API Reference
- GETGet EndUser emails
- GETList EndUsers
- PUTUpdate EndUser
- POSTCreate EndUser
- GETGet EndUser by heron_id or end_user_id
- DELDelete EndUser by heron_id or end_user_id
- GETGet EndUser emails
- GETGet EndUser information
- PATCHPatch EndUser information
- POSTEnrich transactions of EndUser
- GETGet EndUser physical location
- GETRetrieve CRM sync events for an end user
- POSTTrigger a CRM Sync for an End User
- GETAll EndUserFiles
- GETGet all file classes
- GETGet recent files by file class
- GETGet file rename rules
- POSTCreate a file rename rule
- PATCHUpdate a file rename rule
- PATCHUpdate the end user file's class
- GETGet EndUserFile as a base64 string
- POSTTrigger async parsing of an end user file
- PATCHUpdate Parsed Results
- GETGet parsed results from uploaded files
- POSTTrigger file's rename rule
- POSTTrigger splitting a combined end user file into its child files based on its page_classes
- GETGet EndUserFiles
- POSTPost EndUserFile
- GETDownload EndUserFiles
- GETDownload xlsx of parsed results from uploaded files
- GETGet EndUser balance
- GETGet EndUser forecasts
- GETGet EndUser statistics
- GETGet EndUser anomalies
- GETGet EndUser bank statement summary
- GETGet EndUser metric benchmarks
- GETExport as a spreadsheet
- GETGet EndUser transactions grouped by counterparty or merchant
- GETGet EndUser Heron Score (beta)
- GETGet EndUser industry
- GETGet EndUser merchant summary
- GETGet EndUser named dates
- GETGet EndUser cashflow P&L
- PUTUpdate EndUser P&L layout
- GETGet EndUser recurring transactions report
- GETGet EndUser scorecard
- POSTRequest EndUser scorecard
- GETGet EndUser transaction data coverage
- POSTSend a Finicity Connect email to an end user
- POSTTrigger a cashflow report generation for an end user
- POSTTrigger a statement reports generation for an end user
- POSTTrigger a Finicity VOE transactions report generation for an end user
- PUTUpdate an Integration Link
- GETList Integrations
- POSTCreate an integration
- PUTUpdate Integration
- GETGet IntegrationLinks by Integration
- POSTCreate an integration Link
- DEL(Soft-)Delete an integration link
- POSTRefresh an IntegrationLink
- POSTUpload Inscribe
- GETGet Integration Links
- POSTUpload Ocrolus
- POSTParse all PDF
- POSTUpload PDF
- POSTUpload Plaid assets
- POSTUpload Plaid transactions
- POSTUpload Yodlee
- PUTUpdate PDF attributes including status
- PATCHSend patch transactions for a pdf statement
- POSTReloads transactions for a pdf
- POSTUnloads transactions for a pdf
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for for an end user
- GETGet EndUser ISO Applications
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for automated scrubbing in under 15 seconds
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for automated scrubbing in under 15 seconds (base64)
- GETGet the scrubbed results and data validations of an uploaded ISO application by its heron_id (prefixed "iso_")
Create end user transactions (async)
Upload transactions for a specific end user. Does not include enriching transactions — set end user status = ‘ready’ to initiate processing. For synchronous enrichment, please instead use “Enrich transactions (sync). Either timestamp (preferred) or date must be present in the transaction payload.”
curl --request POST \
--url https://app.herondata.io/api/end_users/{end_user_id_or_heron_id}/transactions \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"balances": [
"account_id": "checking_account_202348",
"batch_closing_balance": 25000.45
"transactions": [
"account_id": "checking_account_202348",
"amount": -42.42,
"balance": 423,
"categories_default": "shopping",
"currency": "USD",
"date": "2020-04-27",
"description": "GOOGLE *ADS12340929 [email protected] US",
"mcc_code": "<string>",
"order": 123,
"reference_id": "my_favourite_transaction_231098",
"timestamp": "2021-11-12T10:38:05Z",
"transaction_code": "card"
"request_id": "<string>",
"transactions_loaded": 123
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
Path Parameters
Your unique ID for account associated with transaction
Amount. Inflows to an account should be positive, and outflows from an account should be negative. If using Plaid, please flip the amount sign for all transactions.
ISO 4217 currency code
The text description for the transaction
"GOOGLE *ADS12340929 [email protected] US"
Your unique ID for transaction
The running balance of the account after transaction ocurred
Category of transaction that you may have received from other sources
The date of the transaction; 'timestamp' field takes priority over 'date'
Merchant category code associated with transaction that you may have received from other sources
If sending a batch of transactions, the order in which the transaction occurs, where a higher value is equivalent to a more recent transaction
The ISO 8601 timezone aware timestamp of the transaction; takes precedence over 'date'
Code associated with transaction to indicate the type of transaction
Bank account balance information for a particular account_id. The balance here must be the latest balance after all the transactions in this batch have been applied.
Was this page helpful?
curl --request POST \
--url https://app.herondata.io/api/end_users/{end_user_id_or_heron_id}/transactions \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"balances": [
"account_id": "checking_account_202348",
"batch_closing_balance": 25000.45
"transactions": [
"account_id": "checking_account_202348",
"amount": -42.42,
"balance": 423,
"categories_default": "shopping",
"currency": "USD",
"date": "2020-04-27",
"description": "GOOGLE *ADS12340929 [email protected] US",
"mcc_code": "<string>",
"order": 123,
"reference_id": "my_favourite_transaction_231098",
"timestamp": "2021-11-12T10:38:05Z",
"transaction_code": "card"
"request_id": "<string>",
"transactions_loaded": 123