API Reference
- GETGet EndUser emails
- GETList EndUsers
- PUTUpdate EndUser
- POSTCreate EndUser
- GETGet EndUser by heron_id or end_user_id
- DELDelete EndUser by heron_id or end_user_id
- GETGet EndUser emails
- GETGet EndUser information
- PATCHPatch EndUser information
- POSTEnrich transactions of EndUser
- GETGet EndUser physical location
- GETRetrieve CRM sync events for an end user
- POSTTrigger a CRM Sync for an End User
- GETAll EndUserFiles
- GETGet all file classes
- GETGet recent files by file class
- GETGet file rename rules
- POSTCreate a file rename rule
- PATCHUpdate a file rename rule
- PATCHUpdate the end user file's class
- GETGet EndUserFile as a base64 string
- POSTTrigger async parsing of an end user file
- PATCHUpdate Parsed Results
- GETGet parsed results from uploaded files
- POSTTrigger file's rename rule
- POSTTrigger splitting a combined end user file into its child files based on its page_classes
- GETGet EndUserFiles
- POSTPost EndUserFile
- GETDownload EndUserFiles
- GETDownload xlsx of parsed results from uploaded files
- GETGet EndUser balance
- GETGet EndUser forecasts
- GETGet EndUser statistics
- GETGet EndUser anomalies
- GETGet EndUser bank statement summary
- GETGet EndUser metric benchmarks
- GETExport as a spreadsheet
- GETGet EndUser transactions grouped by counterparty or merchant
- GETGet EndUser Heron Score (beta)
- GETGet EndUser industry
- GETGet EndUser merchant summary
- GETGet EndUser named dates
- GETGet EndUser cashflow P&L
- PUTUpdate EndUser P&L layout
- GETGet EndUser recurring transactions report
- GETGet EndUser scorecard
- POSTRequest EndUser scorecard
- GETGet EndUser transaction data coverage
- POSTSend a Finicity Connect email to an end user
- POSTTrigger a cashflow report generation for an end user
- POSTTrigger a statement reports generation for an end user
- POSTTrigger a Finicity VOE transactions report generation for an end user
- PUTUpdate an Integration Link
- GETList Integrations
- POSTCreate an integration
- PUTUpdate Integration
- GETGet IntegrationLinks by Integration
- POSTCreate an integration Link
- DEL(Soft-)Delete an integration link
- POSTRefresh an IntegrationLink
- POSTUpload Inscribe
- GETGet Integration Links
- POSTUpload Ocrolus
- POSTParse all PDF
- POSTUpload PDF
- POSTUpload Plaid assets
- POSTUpload Plaid transactions
- POSTUpload Yodlee
- PUTUpdate PDF attributes including status
- PATCHSend patch transactions for a pdf statement
- POSTReloads transactions for a pdf
- POSTUnloads transactions for a pdf
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for for an end user
- GETGet EndUser ISO Applications
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for automated scrubbing in under 15 seconds
- POSTUpload an ISO application PDF for automated scrubbing in under 15 seconds (base64)
- GETGet the scrubbed results and data validations of an uploaded ISO application by its heron_id (prefixed "iso_")
Get EndUser by heron_id or end_user_id
Get an end user using its end_user_id or heron_id
curl --request GET \
--url https://app.herondata.io/api/end_users/{end_user_id_or_heron_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>'
"end_user": {
"confidence": 0.42,
"created": "2025-01-21T17:08:55.778815",
"criteria": [
"context": "higher_is_better",
"currency": "<string>",
"date_range": "last_180_days",
"description": "The number of unique transactions with a timestamp",
"group": "data_quality",
"label": "unique_transactions",
"status": "not_available",
"unit": "n",
"value": "<any>"
"data_sources": [
"status": "new",
"type": "pdf"
"end_user_id": "021fb60f-1904-472d-9700-1db4345fb833",
"heron_id": "eus_NSZoJSg5u4HKVMTYqkCg2z",
"is_portfolio": true,
"last_processed_at": "2025-03-04T17:08:55.779137",
"last_updated": "2025-03-04T17:08:55.778898",
"name": "Company Name Inc.",
"profit_and_loss_layout": "<any>",
"status": "ready"
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
Path Parameters
id defined by user; links to the end_user_id for transactions
1 - 140
Aggregated confidence for the end user across all transactions; between 0 and 1
When the end user was created in Heron system
List of scorecard metrics
Context for how to interpret the metric, e.g., whether a higher value is 'better' than a lower value
, lower_is_better
The ISO currency code for metric, where applicable
Metric date range
, last_30_days
, last_90_days
, last_120_days
, last_180_days
, last_365_days
, next_30_days
, next_60_days
, next_90_days
, next_180_days
, last_1_calendar_months
, last_3_calendar_months
, last_4_calendar_months
, last_6_calendar_months
, last_12_calendar_months
, last_15_calendar_months
, last_24_calendar_months
, last_1_full_calendar_months
, last_2_full_calendar_months
, last_3_full_calendar_months
, last_6_full_calendar_months
, last_12_full_calendar_months
, last_60_days
, last_45_days
, last_2_calendar_months
Description of metric
"The number of unique transactions with a timestamp"
The type of metric
, processing_quality
, balance
, profit_and_loss
, debt
, risk_flag
, forecast
, heron
, ml_feature
Metric label, slugified
either 'calculated' or 'not_available' depending on the requested date range vs. date range of the data
, partially_available
, not_available
The unit of measurement for metric
, day
, ratio
, amount
, weekday
, array
, probability
The metric value
List of data source summaries for the end user
Data source type
, csv
, pdf
, integration_link
, legacy
, legacy_pdf
, legacy_integration_link
Status of the data source entity, where applicable (e.g. pdfs, integration links)
, parsing
, parsed
, processed
, human_reviewing
, approved
, rejected
, failed
, transactions_loaded
, transactions_unloaded
, pending
, active
, syncing
, erroring
, sync_disabled
, deleted_in_plaid
, unknown
Unique id for end user generated by Heron
Whether the end user is part of a lending portfolio
When the end user was last successfully processed in Heron system
When the end user was last updated in Heron system
Name of end user; may help to improve categorisation accuracy
"Company Name Inc."
Status of end user; 'ready' triggers async processing, 'review_requested' triggers manual review request
, ready
, processed
, reviewed
, review_requested
, failed
Was this page helpful?
curl --request GET \
--url https://app.herondata.io/api/end_users/{end_user_id_or_heron_id} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>'
"end_user": {
"confidence": 0.42,
"created": "2025-01-21T17:08:55.778815",
"criteria": [
"context": "higher_is_better",
"currency": "<string>",
"date_range": "last_180_days",
"description": "The number of unique transactions with a timestamp",
"group": "data_quality",
"label": "unique_transactions",
"status": "not_available",
"unit": "n",
"value": "<any>"
"data_sources": [
"status": "new",
"type": "pdf"
"end_user_id": "021fb60f-1904-472d-9700-1db4345fb833",
"heron_id": "eus_NSZoJSg5u4HKVMTYqkCg2z",
"is_portfolio": true,
"last_processed_at": "2025-03-04T17:08:55.779137",
"last_updated": "2025-03-04T17:08:55.778898",
"name": "Company Name Inc.",
"profit_and_loss_layout": "<any>",
"status": "ready"