Get EndUser forecasts
Get forecast amounts for a given EndUser and category
Basic authentication header of the form Basic <encoded-value>
, where <encoded-value>
is the base64-encoded string username:password
Query Parameters
The latest transaction timestamp date to use in forecasting
Heron ID of category to be forecasted; either category_heron_id or category_label must be present
The earliest transaction timestamp date to use in forecasting
ISO 4217 currency code to convert to
Heron-generated id for end user; either end_user_id or end_user_heron_id is required
Label of category to be forecasted; either category_heron_id or category_label must be present
Aggregate results over time, i.e., aggregate by week or by month
, month
end_user_id for statistics; either end_user_id or end_user_heron_id is required
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