Starting in 2025, Heron Data maintained an ongoing changelog for new product updates & features. For any queries, please contact [email protected] for new customers or [email protected] for existing customers


End User Entities

  • Heron can now aggregate and reconcile information from different sources

  • e.g., does the extracted company name match between all of application form, bank statement, and voided check?

  • This helps to surface any discrepancies between sources, and creates a “source of truth” for information across different files

  • This feature is live but in beta. Reach out to the Heron team if you are interested in enabling this for your Heron instance!

Configurable policy checks 

  • Heron customers can now configure custom policy checks based on your criteria

  • e.g., define custom thresholds for bank statement attributes like the $ threshold for low balance

  • This enables you to further customize kickout rules based on bank statements based on your policies

  • Get started with this today by toggling thresholds in the settings page

Daily CRM sync report

  • You can now subscribe to a daily report of end users and their CRM sync status

  • e.g., we report on either on sync success, failure, or “kick out” where we have automatically filtered out a submission for you

  • This enables you to have greater visiblity over Heron system reliability and failure cases

  • Reach out to Heron team if you want this enabled!


  • Better Excel export Information on emails relating to a submission are now included in our Excel export

  • Starred companies Return of the starred button on companies page to help separate companies you want to differentiate

  • FICO score extraction Heron now extracts FICO scores when reading application forms

  • Better CRM integrations We sync files to Orgmeter and now support Microsoft Dynamics as CRM


Upload additional files to existing company profile in Heron via Email

Do you ever receive new information for an existing application on a different thread? Do brokers send stips directly to your ISO rep or upload to a portal instead of replying to the existing email chain?

Now each submission in Heron has a unique email address where you and your team can forward files directly to, which will be appended to the existing deal

Add additional bank statements, drivers licenses, voided check with one click

Data Integrity & Coverage Improvements

Last month we soft-launched our Transaction Data Coverage feature and since then we have massively improved the functionality of it - you will now see it prominently on the Bank and Debt Summary tab, the one-stop shop for managing your data and underwriting a file:

  • Data source discrepancies are now reported and displayed in the front end

  • Users can now reassign any data source to any account ID on the front end

  • Users can enable or disable data source accounts directly from the data coverage chart

Whitelist Specific IPs to restrict access to Heron

Given the sensitive nature of the data you share with us, we have added the ability to restrict access to certain IP addresses for your users so that they do not access Heron inappropriately

We are still planning on launching SSO capabilities this quarter

Marking Recurring Transactions as MCA Debits

You can now mark certain recurring transactions as specifically MCA related transactions if we are unable to identify the funder

This will automatically include the debits in the MCA debits and holdback percentage columns in the bank statement summary table

Additionally, our team will be automatically alerted so we can make sure we identify that merchant as an MCA going forward

Policy Feature Updates

We can now auto-decline any deal if any bank statement has a high anomaly score

Bank Statement Summary Updates

In addition to showing the number of Overdraft or NSF Fees that a company incurs in a monthly period, we will also show the number of transactions for each month where the resulting balance for that transaction was negative. A company may not receive a fee for all their overdraft transactions so seeing the number of overdraft transactions separately will help in the risk assessment process.

Balance Table Updates

Added a plot ↔ table toggle to the existing balance chart for improved visualization.

Ability to add a user-designated threshold that will highlight any daily balance under that amount

API updates

The end_user/transactions endpoint now supports filtering by multiple account IDs and category IDs

Improved webhook reliability with exponential backoff retries for failed webhooks

New Scorecard Metrics

A new custom metric was created to track the number of new MCA positions taken in the last 45 days (we previously only shows last 30 days or last 60 days).

Account Insights

Account data (Owner, Bank Name, Account Number, etc.) from bank statements now populate the Balance Insights table. We were previously only showing this information for Plaid data sources

Data Coverage & Display

Fixed incorrect data coverage ranges for Plaid data sources.

Resolved stacking issues in the Data Coverage chart.

Improved performance of the data coverage report endpoint.

UI/UX Enhancements

Improved the menu dropdown for data coverage bars.

Added cursor:pointer to all clickable data coverage bars.

Disabled the context menu on missing data bars to prevent unnecessary interactions.

Bank Statement Summary 

  • Resolved issues where filtering by account caused metrics like Starting Balance, Ending Balance, Avg. Balance, and Negative Days to not update

Policy Updates

Bank Statement Summary company attributes now default correctly instead of to zero


  • Heron is now able to create Advance objects in Centrex via API

  • Fixed the issue where the auto-decline email was sent multiple times

  • Enhanced counterparty detection from transaction descriptions

These updates are designed to streamline your experience and provide more powerful tools to manage your workflows. We appreciate your feedback and will continue to improve the platform based on your needs.


Automatically rename files

Files come with a variety of different naming from “statement1.pdf” to “mybankstatement.pdf” to much more outlandish - Now you can normalize filenames based on the type of file and variables extracted from the file, based on a template that you define - e.g., a bank statement can be renamed from “mybankstatement.pdf” to “bank_statement_account_3482_jan_2025.pdf” programmatically - These renamed files can be downloaded directly or synced to CRMs, and can be set up from the dashboard directly in settings

Inspect data coverage for bank transactions

For submissions with a variety of different sources of bank data it can be difficult to identify which months for which accounts are missing or duplicate - Now you can easily identify which months have missing or overlapping data across all your bank statement PDFs and bank connections (e.g., Plaid) - This is already available for all customers in the Heron Data dashboard

Respond to email submissions automatically (improved)

It can be difficult to stay on top of email submission inboxes, particularly with spiky volumes - For email submissions that are forwarded to Heron, you can now automate email responses based on the Heron results - For example, Heron can request missing bank statements for submissions missing bank statements - This can be set up by speaking to a member of Heron Data directly

Populate spreadsheet templates

Often our customers want to populate their own spreadsheet templates in Excel or Google Spreadsheets with Heron Data results, a process which was previously manual - Customers can now automatically populate spreadsheets based on customer-specific templates - This can be set up by speaking to a member of Heron Data directly